Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I Know You Lie.....Your Lips Are Moving

Yes, that is a song by Megan Trainor. I don't know all the words to the song like I do her other song that my daughter LOVES so much so that I had to play it over and over at her doctor's appointment today to keep her calm.

Back to the title.

There are some people that you just KNOW are lying as soon as they open their mouth. How do I know you are lying? Your lips are moving, aren't they?

Whether it be small fibs, embellishments, or flat out lies, some people are very easy to read.

I know one girl that slips in lies for some unknown reason. Unknown because they do her no good, so there's really no reason to lie. I think its more the embellishments, or storytelling. No....more like "drama". As if they have to tell a dramatic story to get attention, even if that means making something up to do so, or throwing in "facts" unconsciously to make the story sound better.

Then you have those that lie by embellishment on purpose, and I know quite a few of those. They have to one up you all the time. They know someone that you know (when they really don't). They know someone who has done the same thing that your cousin/friend just did/went through, but better/worse. They tell lies to make themselves look better, feel better, get more attention. And sometimes even to get sympathy, even when they don't need it, they just like feeling pampered, or to try to get something free.

Some people, on the other hand, you just don't know if you can trust. They play a good front, being your friend and doing so many good things for you. But what's behind that "front" they are putting on? And how can you tell if it's a front, or if its genuine?

Genuine is VERY hard to come by, I will not lie about that (ha ha). And when you do find that genuine person, who has your best interest at heart, who treats you with respect, then don't mess that up. Remember that saying "Do unto others..." and keep that in mind when you find a genuine. They are great friends, and you don't want to mess that up.

The "Fronts" are the ones that surround you every day. You run into them on the street, in the store, at the car lot, even in church! They will butter your bread while they are putting it in the toaster.

Car salesmen, whether at the big lot or the private seller, will lie through their teeth about that vehicle you are looking at in order to sell it. From the mechanical workings to the price, they will say anything to get that sell, to get another car off their lot. So how do you know you are getting a dependable vehicle?

Mechanics (some, not all) will list off a ton of things wrong with your vehicle so that they can charge you an arm and a leg to work on your car. And how can you argue with them? Are you a mechanic? Do you know what they are even talking about?

Salesmen in stores, especially those that work on commissions, will tell you that product you are looking at is THE best, when it might not be. It just might be the one they make the most commission off of.

We are surrounded by every day people that lie. From the ones that say, "That new restaurant that opened up down the street is delicious!" when its really nasty, to the ones that say, "No, I didn't hit your car with my car." or "Yes, my hair is naturally blonde!" to even those that say, "I love you."

And yes, those are the worst (besides lying preachers, in my opinion) because no lying betrayal hurts worse than finding out someone doesn't really love you when they say they do.

So how do we know the difference between when we hear the truth versus a lie?

Well, for the most part we don't. That is where trust comes in.

We have to trust that we aren't getting lied to. We have to trust that that person wouldn't intentionally hurt us. But guess what? They do!

Broken trust hurts more than you can imagine. People have had their trust broken so many times that they can't trust anyone anymore and their relationships fail. If you can't trust your spouse, even though they have given you no reason not to, then you will drive him/her away by the amount of distrust.

You have to be able to trust people, but you also have to be cautious:

If it seems too good to be true, it usually is.

If you don't believe the mechanic/salesman/doctor even, get a second opinion.

To some extent you have to have a little bit of trust in everyone, but it is up to us to decide just how much. And yes, sometimes we will be fooled, tricked, ran over, thrown in the toaster. But we have to learn from it and move on.

And hey, even babies lie. Don't believe me? Watch the next time they fake a cry to get attention.

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