Wednesday, February 5, 2014

1:30am Scare

So proud of my baby girl tonight! She slept for almost 4 hours! I actually feel pretty good getting more than an hour sleep at a time. Now if we can get her to do it again after this bottle, I'll be happy! 

Upon waking up and walking into the kitchen to make the bottle, I see that my front door is standing wide open. Looking  around the only thing I see wrong is the dog is missing. Not my little 5lb dog, she's in her crate. No, the big chocolate lab mix is missing. Wandering around, trying to keep the baby from crying so she doesn't wake up daddy, I go on a hunt to find Sadie (the dog). 

I remember that before we went to bed, she had wandered into Layna's room for some reason, and I had shooed her out and pulled the door to. Well, didn't do such a good job pulling the door to. Sadie had wandered into the room, pushing the door open to get in, and the door closed behind her. She was stuck in Layna's room! Opened the door and let her out. 

As for the front door? Just another something that is falling apart in my trailer that the landlord is letting fall to the wayside (long story for another feeding time). 

Now as I sit here waiting on my little Frogger to burp after her bottle so I can lay her down, I have just one more 1:30am thought. Using your phone as a flashlight while taking care of the baby is not a wise decision, especially when you are tired. Why? Because your tired, weak hands just might drop the phone on the baby. Yes, I have done this many times, including tonight. Like that cartoon where you are laying in bed with your arms extended above your head, checking your phone, and you drop it on your face? Yeah, that's me. 

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