Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sunday Confessions

I confess that today, this Sunday, I miss going to church. I miss my church family, even though it was for the best that I leave the church. We have yet to pick another one, although we have one we like, but it's too far away with no gas money. I am ready to find a church and get back in the Sunday routine.

I also confess that I am a crazy person. I love my daughter, but sometimes she drives me SO nuts that I need a break from her. But what do I do on my break? Wish I was with her. I don't like being away from her, even though I need that break sometimes.

My last confession; if you read it, and it doesn't apply to you, yet you are hurt/offended/insulted by it, then maybe you need to think about why. Are there things that you need to change as well? Just like when you go to church and the preacher starts preaching, and you start feeling guilty. Why? He (or she) isn't preaching directly to you, didn't call out your name. Because you know you do/relate to what is being said. Because you know it applies to your life in some way. So think about it. Where do your priorities lie?

Today I went to pick up some things I won off of the .50 Auction site. I was amazed at the crowd of people in the HS parking lot. I got Layna a toy for $2 and a pair of cute little boots for $1.50. I am thinking I might try and sell some stuff, but not sure if it would be worth it, .50 here and there. But....any money will help.

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