Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Worry Over Thoughts

1) Today my little Frogger turns three months. It should be a happy day, but it might not be. Why? Because today we have to go to the child support office for a DNA test with her no-good baby daddy. I have a feeling he won't show up, but my fear is that he will and cause problems. He doesn't deserve any rights to her, he never wanted her (or me) and hasn't been here. She has a daddy that loves her, and me, and the no-good baby daddy doesn't need to be in her life.

2) I guess because of all the worry I dreamt about severe storms/tornadoes.

3) Layna didn't go to sleep till 10pm, and we are up again at 1:30am (when I started the entry). She usually sleeps better than this. I hope the next stretch will be longer, I need my rest before the chaos that could happen this morning.

4) Beings that Layna turns 3 Months today, I have to do a picture. I don't know how I want to do it just yet, I still have to work on her blackboard and exactly what she is going to wear. I try and color coordinate the board with her outfit. Which brings me to......

5) Easter. I know exactly what I want to do for the picture, but I don't know how to do it. She cannot sit up on her own yet, and when I prop her up she falls to the side. I want her in my old red wagon with her stuffed frog, rabbit, and chick. I just have to figure out how to put her in there.

6) Speaking of Easter, I wanted to take her to have her picture made with the" Easter Bunny". Well, there's only one place close by that I know of that has him, and they aren't doing it till the Friday and Saturday before Easter the next day on Sunday. Seriously? How are you supposed to mail out Easter greetings with the picture if you don't take them BEFORE Easter? Duh! That's why I want to try and do the red wagon this week, to get them made and mailed out to those family members that aren't on the world wide web yet. Haha!

7) In my nature walking at the in-laws Sunday, I picked up a tick! Hate them suckers! Just found him yesterday morning as I was preparing to get in the shower. Just glad he was big enough to see!

8) I had an old teddy bear I made a long time ago (crochet) and it had gotten nasty and stinky at my dad's house. I brought it here, washed and bleached it up, and gave it a girly touch. Layna is too young for it right now, but when she gets older she can play with it.

9) I joined a clothing exchange on one of the mommy apps I follow. They paired us up boy/girl. I got to buy boys outfits and send them to someone, and the other mommy gets to send Layna something. My package is due any day now, straight from ND. I can't wait to see what she got! I have another mommy I'm swapping with, but I haven't heard from her for a few days, so I don't know when we are going to exchange.

10) I am addicted to playing Bingo and Coin Dozier on my phone. I need to stop.

11) I still have yet to figure out why the Android version of the Blogger app is so much different, to the point that I will have to post my pictures in bulk at the end of the entries, otherwise the lettering between them will all be messed up.  :/

12) Layna has fallen asleep after her bottle, but at now 2:30, an hour later, I'm wide awake.

13) it is now 7:30am and little Frogger slept till 7am! Not too bad!

14) I am now more worried as the time gets closer. We are to be there at 10:15am. I hope I can stay strong and hold my own.

15) I don't like it when people talk about me behind my back, especially to my family.

16) I hate getting excited about things that might not happen. Bugz keeps talking about building us a house on Pa's land. Has it all drawn out. But what if he doesn't get any land? How are we going to afford all the supplies? What are we going to do with both my Grammy and my dad's houses when they pass? I'm sure not selling or renting them out. I want out of this trailer so bad. Not because it's a trailer, that doesn't bother me. Its because the landlord is letting things fall apart, he wants to sell the land, and the trailer is a wreck, full of spiders, ants, and roaches. Not to mention the sewer still overflowing in the back yard.

17) It is cold this morning! The heat is on in the house and it's still cold!

18) I have a sore throat. No good.

19) I am hungry, but afraid to eat because of my worried nerves.

20) I am so ready for this day to be over with, but I know it's only gonna get worse. Court dates, possible fighting for visitation (if he changes his mind). All I can do now is pray.

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